Nursing Fingerprints Las Vegas2025-02-26T06:12:17+00:00


All nurses in Nevada must be fingerprinted when obtaining their initial license, and every renewal thereafter (this is every 5 years). The Nursing Board will send existing licensed nurses notification if they do in fact need fingerprints.

It goes without saying that nurses are one of the most essential employees in our community. Hard-working, putting in 12-hours shifts, while caring for the most vulnerable in our community. We try to make it as convenient as possible for those in this essential healthcare industry to receive their license and accompanying fingerprints.

Nurses are quite difficult to fingerprint. Years of hand washing wears fingerprints down, making the fingerprinting process challenging for professional like us.

Our employees know how to compensate and make sure the process is done as best as possible for nurses. And of course, nurses are covered by our customer guarantee!

If you need fingerprints for the Nevada Board of Nursing, simply come in with your photo ID. We do not need any paperwork. After we fingerprint you, we’ll give you a receipt that you must send to the Nursing Board.  The FBI will automatically send your results to the Nursing Board.

The fee is $68 (which includes the $40 FBI fee). Pay by cash or card.